Welcome to XboxIssues

Welcome. I decided to make this blog after being a Xbox Ambassador for a number of years.

If you don't know an Ambassador is a Volunteer that Microsoft uses to help ease the load on the actual hard working support people.

I noticed that alot of the questions I would get could easily be solved by using Microsofts Xbox.com site.

Since some of the help articles may be hard to find, understand or the issue may be called something different in the gaming community making it more difficult to solve, I've decided to make this blog to make it easier for fellow gamers to get xbox assistance, news and all things Xbox.

If you have any Xbox related question you can find the answer to feel free to contact me on YouTube, twitter or in the comments.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

HOW TO: Use A Custom Xbox Gamerpic On Xbox One

For years people have been requesting the use of their own images as a gamer pic for their Xbox Live Profile.

Today it happens, once you get the update that starts rolling out to everyone, you will now have the option to use any image as your gamer pic.  You are no longer bound by the boring rarely updated gamer pics Microsoft has provide.

Here is  How To Use A Custom Xbox Gamerpic On  Xbox One

  1. An Image that is at least 1080 X 1080 pixels, that follows the Xbox Live Terms of Service and Code of Conduct  DON'T GET BANNED
  2. A USB Stick or External USB Hard Drive, or a Microsoft OneDrive Account
  3. A Xbox Live Account that is not a child account
To get your image from OneDrive make sure to have the Xbox One OneDrive app installed

WARNING: When you plug an External USB Hardrive in, you may get a pop up that says USe For Media or For Games and Apps", Make Sure to chose “USE FOR MEDIA”, or your HD will be erased and formated for use on Xbox One Only to install games and apps.


  1. Scroll left on the Home screen to open the guide.
  2. Move up to the profile selection at the top.
  3. Select My profile.
  4. Select Customize profile.
  5. Select Switch to a gamerpic or Change Gamer Pic
  6. Select Upload a custom image
  7. Next, the new UWP File Picker app will open.
  8. Navigate to a directory containing your picture, from a USB device,  using the hamburger menu in the top left, you can also press the view key on your controller to switch to a different app, such as Photos. Photos brings together any pictures you have saved in OneDrive's picture directory. You can access it on OneDrive.com or by signing into a Windows 10 PC with the same account.
  9. Navigate to the picture you would like to use.  Note: Any picture you use has to be at least 1080 x 1080 image size.
  10. Once you have selected the picture you want to use, crop it using the controls displayed on the screen
  11. When you are finished, select Upload. Microsoft will verify the picture, and a few moments, you will be good to go.

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