Welcome to XboxIssues

Welcome. I decided to make this blog after being a Xbox Ambassador for a number of years.

If you don't know an Ambassador is a Volunteer that Microsoft uses to help ease the load on the actual hard working support people.

I noticed that alot of the questions I would get could easily be solved by using Microsofts Xbox.com site.

Since some of the help articles may be hard to find, understand or the issue may be called something different in the gaming community making it more difficult to solve, I've decided to make this blog to make it easier for fellow gamers to get xbox assistance, news and all things Xbox.

If you have any Xbox related question you can find the answer to feel free to contact me on YouTube, twitter or in the comments.

Friday, March 31, 2017

HOW TO: Delete Multiple Clips or Screen Captures on Xbox One

From time to time, you may want to clean out all the screen shots and video clips you have recorded on the Xbox One.  Up until an update we received a few months back we had to delete the clips one by one.  Now we can select multiple clips and delete them all at once.

Here is How To Delete Multiple Clips or Screen Captures on Xbox One:

  1.  Load the Upload Studio App
  2. Click on Manage Clips
  3. Now just click the tick boxes next to the files you want to delete, or click the tick box in the upper right to select all.
  4. Click the Delete or Trashcan icon next to any selected file, and after you confirm you want to delete the files they will be removed.

REMEMBER: Once deleted from the cloud or your Xbox One Console, they are gone for ever, there is no way to recover delete files on Xbox One.

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