Attack on Titan 2
Attack on Titan 2 is the gripping sequel to the action game based on the worldwide hit anime series “Attack on Titan.” Experience the immense story of the anime alongside Eren and his companions, as they fight to save humanity from the threat of the deadly human devouring Titans. Try your hand in operating the omni-directional mobility gear, maneuvering and flying through the sky to counter the Titans, and feel the thrill and satisfaction of battling giant opponents.
Welcome to XboxIssues
Welcome. I decided to make this blog after being a Xbox Ambassador for a number of years.
If you don't know an Ambassador is a Volunteer that Microsoft uses to help ease the load on the actual hard working support people.
I noticed that alot of the questions I would get could easily be solved by using Microsofts site.
Since some of the help articles may be hard to find, understand or the issue may be called something different in the gaming community making it more difficult to solve, I've decided to make this blog to make it easier for fellow gamers to get xbox assistance, news and all things Xbox.
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